From May 10, 2016, STEM F-1 visa students can work for 3 years under OPT

IMG_2480NEW YORK: F-1 visa students who are enrolled in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) fields of study from accredited educational institutions in the United States will be allowed, beginning from May 10, 2016, to work for as long as three years under the Optional Practical Training (OPT).

The Department of Homeland Security released its final rule in this matter, which will be published in the Federal Register Friday, March 11. The rule goes into effect on May 10, 2016, which means that all students who are either under OPT till that date, or who qualify for OPT by then, will be able to work further, for a period totaling 36 months. Continue reading

World Bank Group Africa Fellowship Program

IMG_3237-1Sub-Saharan African nationals who are Ph.D. students are encouraged to apply for a six-month fellowship by September 30!
  • Ph.D. students from Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly women, are eligible to apply for the World Bank Group Africa Fellowship Program
  • World Bank Group Fellows will spend a minimum of six months getting hands-on experience at World Bank headquarters in Washington D.C., or country offices
  • Fellows will work on economic policy, technical assistance to countries, and lending for eliminating poverty and increasing shared prosperity

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La vie en Amérique d’après un auteur camerounais (Imbolo Mbue)

IMG_2480Join us on Tuesday, August 23rd for the release of Imbolo Mbue‘s novel, Behold the Dreamers.

Mbue’s eloquent debut novel takes the timeless story of immigrants coming to the U.S. in search of a better life and plants it in a particularly difficult historical moment.

The 2008 economic crisis was a hard time for the American Dream, and when Jende and Neni Jonga arrive in New York from Cameroon late in 2007, they initially feel fortunate to find work with the family of a Wall Street executive. But their employer works for Lehman Brothers, and the Jongas learn hard truths about the socio-economic realities of their new country. Continue reading

Recruitment Drive 2016 for African nationals @WorldBank. Apply by Aug. 7

IMG_3242-2In 2015, the World Bank Group launched a recruitment mission to attract Sub Saharan African professionals to its work force. The initiative was the first of its kind for the institution and resulted in numerous hires into business areas such as Education, Health, Development Economics, Information Technology Systems, Social Urban/Rural & Resilience and Governance. The World Bank Group continues its commitment to hiring Sub-Saharan African professionals and announces its latest recruitment mission to again attract highly qualified Sub-Saharan African professionals who are looking for an exciting career, where their effort will contribute to the institution’s goal of ending extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. Continue reading

Banque Mondiale: WB Young Professionals Program opens for application (June 15-July 27, 2016)

The World Bank (WB) Young Professionals Program is a premier global recruitment program and is a unique opportunity for exceptionally talented young people (under 33 – born on October 1, 1984 or after) with a passion for international development to contribute to solving some of the world’s most pressing problems. The Program is designed for highly qualified and motivated individuals skilled in areas relevant to the World Bank’s Operations such as: economics, finance, education, public health, social sciences, engineering, urban planning, and natural resource management. More

Tremplin pour s’expatrier: faites un MBA aux Etats-Unis

Aux Etats-Unis, un MBA est un puissant accélérateur de carrière.

Pour ceux qui rêvent de travailler aux Etats-Unis, c’est un excellent tremplin pour s’expatrier. Un MBA ayant le label d’une université Ivy League [groupe de huit universités privées américaines prestigieuses] ouvre les portes et rassure les futurs employeurs car il envoie au minimum le signal d’une bonne maîtrise de l’anglais, de capacités d’expatriation et d’une certaine ouverture d’esprit. En plus, c’est un excellent moyen pour se créer un réseau et même un puissant réseau international. Continue reading

Partir, un accélérateur de carrière ? Oui!!!

May 2015 015Le meilleur moyen d’intégrer le marché du travail aux Etats-Unis c’est de passer par de bonnes universités américaines. Mais, ne rentre pas qui veut dans le club ultra select de la Ivy League. Voici quelques conseils pour multiplier vos chances d’intégrer l’une des prestigieuses universités américaines telles que Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, Yale, Princeton ou encore le MIT. Continue reading