MBA – Women’s Prospective Student Visit Day

large_wgYU-sHiw4LGmwQhli7oBBC5xJf_jlAzNFJ3yR1-FFwJointly sponsored by HBS MBA Admissions and the Women’s Student Association (WSA), this event is designed for prospective applicants to experience the MBA program at Harvard Business School. Over the course of the day, participants will have the opportunity to interact with students, faculty, and members of the MBA Admissions & Financial Aid team.

This is a unique opportunity to really get to know HBS. Over the course of the day, you will have the opportunity to sit in on a class, tour the campus and interact with members of the HBS community. You will have lunch with current students from our Women’s Student Association, hear from an alumnae panel, have a detailed Admissions and Financial Aid presentation and more. Continue reading

Johns Hopkins grimpe dans les classement annuel des universités américaines

img_3416Sur plus de 300 universités à travers les Etats-Unis, l’Université Johns Hopkins est entrée dans le top10 des meilleures universités américaines, ce qui représente une amélioration par rapport à leur 11e position de l’année dernière. La performance de l’Université de Georgetown est également à noter. Cette dernière a chuté du 20ème place au 22ème rang cette année. Continue reading

Voici les meilleurs programmes de MBA au monde en 2018

large_wgYU-sHiw4LGmwQhli7oBBC5xJf_jlAzNFJ3yR1-FFwIl y’a un nouveau leader au sommet du dernier classement de The Economist des meilleurs programmes MBA (Master of Business Administration) à plein temps au monde.

La Kellogg School of Management de la Northwestern University a dépassé la Booth School of Business de l’Université de Chicago pour décrocher la pole position, tandis que Harvard a grimpé d’une place à la troisième place. Continue reading

Chad Losse, directeur de admissions, Harvard Business School (HBS), partage tout ce que vous devez savoir sur les lettres de recommandation

DjrAEKMXoAEHU3aExtracurricular activities: What are you involved in outside of work? What impact did these activities have on you, and what impact did you have through these activities?

Sometimes future applicants wonder what activities they should participate in so they will “look good” when they apply. While I understand this means they are really interested in HBS, this approach to extracurriculars doesn’t usually help an application. Here’s why: if you do things because it might look good to someone else, you naturally won’t be as dedicated or learn as much, and your impact will be smaller. You’re busy, and it’s likely that “going through the motions” with an activity is going to feel superficial to us on the Admissions Board—and worse, it will feel superficial to you. SUITE