TOUR DES CAMPUS UNIVERSITAIRES AMERICAINS – Aujourd’hui, visite de l’Université de Californie à Berkeley

Pour certains, Berkeley ou Cal est tout simplement la meilleure université publique des États-Unis.

Située au cœur de la Sillicon Valley avec son climat agréable, l’Université de Californie (UC) à Berkeley est l’une des universités les plus prestigieuses des États-Unis. Si vous voulez avoir un petit indicateur, il suffit de regarder les parkings. Il y a des parkings marqués “NL” (Nobel Laureates), réservés aux lauréats du Prix Nobel.

Fondée en 1868, l’Université de Californie (UC) est le plus ancien campus du système californien. Le campus de Berkeley est né au milieu du 20e siècle a été surnommé “l’Athènes de l’Ouest”. Berkeley a connu un succès mondial lorsque ses étudiants ont pris position contre la guerre du ViêtNam, à la suite du “Free Speech Movement” qui a débuté sur le campus en 1964-1965.

Le campus de 499 acres accueille plus de 30 000 étudiants et l’ours Oski est la mascotte officielle de l’université.

En face de San Francisco – La ville de Berkeley est située de l’autre côté de la rivière, en face de San Francisco. De l’autre côté du San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.

Petit problème : Il n’y a pas assez de logements pour tous les étudiants. Il n’y a de la place que pour 25% des étudiants. Les autres doivent se débrouiller dans cette région très coûteuse de San Francisco.

Programmes phares de l’UC Berkeley:
Sciences politiques
Biologie moléculaire et cellulaire

Universités similaires:
Université de Californie du Sud
Université de Washington
UC San Diego
UC Santa Barbara
UC Davis

How To Write a Cover Letter For a Job

Knowing how to write a cover letter for a job can help take your job application to the top of the pile. Although it might seem like an extra step in the application process, it’s really a chance to make yourself stand out in a competitive job market.

The great news is that you don’t have to spend a whole lot of time creating the best cover letter ever. If you take some time to include relevant information, customized and crafted specifically for the position and employer, it could increase your chance of advancing to the next step in the application process.

Here are some cover letter tips that show you exactly how to write one that helps you land the interview you’ve been waiting for. MORE

Table of contents:

World Bank, Early Years Fellow – 15 countries

Fellows should be:

  • Citizen / national of country of application
  • Early to mid-career professional between the ages of 25-35 years with demonstrated expertise and/or commitment to advancing ECD in their home countries
  • The countries are:

1.    Bangladesh

2.    Cameroon

3.    Egypt & Djibouti

4.    El Salvador & Honduras

5.    Ethiopia

6.    Jordan

7.    Kenya

8.    Morocco

9.    Niger

10.           Papua New Guinea

11.           Paraguay

12.           Senegal

13.           Somalia

14.           Tanzania

15.           Uzbekistan & Tajikistan

Recherche d’emploi en expatriation : 6 idées reçues

Mission impossible, votre recherche de boulot en expatriation ? Chez Expat Communication, l’éditeur de FemmExpat, nous accompagnons des centaines d’expatriés depuis 20 ans. Et si pour vous aider, on commençait par défaire quelques idées reçues ?

Views of diverse students leaving class outside the Northwest Labs in Autumn. Kris Snibbe/Harvard Staff Photographer

US Schools That Accept the Most International Students

Each of these U.S. universities accepted 80% to nearly 100% of international applicants for fall 2020.

It’s easier for prospective international students to gain admission to some U.S. colleges than others. Among the 117 ranked National Universities that received at least 500 international applicants and reported this data to U.S. News, the average acceptance rate for international students was 43.8% for fall 2020. But at some institutions, the acceptance rate was significantly higher, 99.85% in one case. For prospective international students interested in studying in the U.S. and curious about where they might have a good chance of getting in, here are the 13 ranked National Universities – institutions that are often research-oriented and offer bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees – including ties, with the highest acceptance rates for international undergraduate applicants.

University of Cincinnati
Long Island University
Seton Hall University
University of Texas at Dallas
Indiana University—Bloomington
University of Massachusetts—Boston
Iowa State University of Science and Technology
Pace University
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Texas at Arlington
Kent State University
University of Toledo
Colorado State University

US – Education: Policy Changes Benefit STEM Fields

In January, the Biden administration announced new policies aimed at attracting to the U.S. international graduates and professionals who specialize in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). These changes are part of Biden’s efforts “to strengthen [the U.S.] economy and technological competitiveness.” New initiatives include but are not limited to:

  • Expansion of the STEM Optional Practical Training (OPT) program to include 22 new fields of study. The program permits F-1 students earning Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorates in certain STEM fields to remain in the United States for up to 36 months to complete Optional Practical Training after earning their degrees. The newly added fields include:
  • Bioenergy; Forestry, General; Forest Resources Production and Management; Human Centered Technology Design; Cloud Computing; Anthrozoology; Climate Science; Earth Systems Science; Economics and Computer Science; Environmental Geosciences; Geobiology; Geography and Environmental Studies; Mathematical Economics; Mathematics and Atmospheric/Oceanic Science; Data Science, General; Data Analytics, General; Business Analytics; Data Visualization; Financial Analytics; Data Analytics, Other; Industrial and Organizational Psychology; Social Sciences, Research Methodology and Quantitative Methods.

On February 7th, The U.S. House of Representatives passed the America COMPETES Act, intended to boost U.S. global competitiveness. The Act contains two major immigration reforms: (1) a new W visa category for startups would be available to foreign entrepreneurs and, (2) a direct path to permanent residence for immigrants who earn a Ph.D. in a STEM field in the U.S. 

Please note this is proposed, not final, legislation. While these reforms are compelling, the Bill still needs to pass in the Senate, which is expected to be challenging

The Rise of the Video Résumé

Despite significant changes in technology and media in our daily lives over the last 20 to 30 years, the humble one- or two-page résumé has remained a remarkably consistent tool in the job application process. You can read more about the history of the résumé here. Tools like LinkedIn have certainly brought the résumé to the digital age, but despite some of its additional media features, most people’s profiles are still based on a text-heavy summary of skills and experiences. MORE

Launch of pioneering Ph.D. program bolsters Harvard’s leadership in quantum science and engineering

In the middle of the 20th century, mathematicians, physicists, and engineers at Harvard began work that would lay the foundations for a new field of study, the applications of which would change the world in ways unimaginable at the time. These pioneering computer scientists helped develop the theory and technology that would usher in the digital age.

Harvard is once again taking a leading role in a scientific and technological revolution — this time in the field of quantum science and engineering. Today, the University launched one of the world’s first Ph.D. programs in the subject, providing the foundational education for the next generation of innovators and leaders who will transform quantum science and engineering into next-level systems, devices, and applications. MORE