USA – Join the EKO | African Diaspora Coding

EKO | African Diaspora Coding Academy is a program developed in partnership with Coders4Africa (C4A), the Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO), and DCHR’s Center for Learning and Development to provide greater access to introductory classes of coding software design and application development to 120 African born residents in the District of Columbia (USA). MORE: Watch video to learn more about EKO

Three Africans Shine in Forbes’ 30 Under 30 List

succesThis year’s Forbes’ 30 under 30 list is brimming with ‘black excellence’. From entrepreneurs, to scientists, to media personalities and athletes, it is refreshing to see how much impact the black community is having on the world. What is most exciting is the three star Africans who have been featured on the list. Among this year’s finalists are Augusta Umamanzu-Nna (18), Kwame Onwuachi (26) and Yaa Gyasi (27). Continue reading

Sérieusement LinkedIn n’est pas Facebook!

linkedinLinkedIn est un site pour les professionnels. Quant à Facebook, il est pour tout le reste, tout ce que vous voulez. Et même, sur Facebook, j’ai très peu d'”amis” Facebook et si je ne vous connais pas personnellement, ne m’envoyez pas une invitation.

Voici un bel artice qui nous explique pourquoi LinkedIn n’est pas Facebook et pourquoi il ne fait pas mélanger les genres.

LinkedIn is not Facebook…seriously, it’s not
I have been noticing a trend that people are starting to post things on LinkedIn that appear….better suited for a social media site like Facebook. I know this is not a new topic, but it keeps happening. Suite

Code vestimentaire sexiste: anecdotes Etats-Unis vs Afrique

Il y a quelques années, je travaillais sur un programme qui supportait le ministère ougandais de l’éducation nationale et nos bureaux se trouvaient dans le siège du ministère à Kampala. 1er jour au bureau: notre directrice locale m’explique de manière très diplomatique 1) de ne plus venir au bureau en…pantalon! Elle m’explique toutes les difficultés que les femmes de son équipe ont Continue reading

Cours gratuit – World Bank MOOC on Citizen Engagement

nationsThe World Bank Group is bringing a third delivery of the free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Citizen Engagement to be launched on February 7, 2017.

Following two successful offerings in 2015 and 2016 to over 26,000 participants around the world, this latest version of the course includes a fifth module that looks at Citizen Engagement in practice. Developed jointly by the World Bank Group Open Learning Campus (OLC), the Citizen Engagement Secretariat, the Governance Global Practice and the Social, Urban and Rural and Resilience Global Practice, this free 5-week course is hosted by edX.  It has been developed in partnership with the London School of Economics (LSE), the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Participedia and CIVICUS. Continue reading

OFFRE D’EMPLOI – World Bank Group Recruitment Drive

IMG_3222-1The World Bank Group is launching a recruitment drive aimed at attracting qualified candidates to fill positions in selected areas. Employment opportunities will be in various technical areas and professional streams for talented and diverse young and mid-career professionals.

A career with the World Bank Group offers a unique and exciting opportunity for exceptionally talented individuals who have a passion for international development. As a staff member at the Bank Group, you will get the opportunity to contribute to the effort to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems. Continue reading