Future Leaders Connect – The global network for emerging policy leaders

DbO0p06WAAEm3PX.jpg largeYour chance to connect to a long-term network of emerging leaders from around the globe, who want to change the world through policy making.

As a member of Future Leaders Connect, you will travel to the UK for nine days of advanced policy and leadership development at the University of Cambridge. You will discuss today’s biggest global challenges in the UK Houses of Parliament, meet inspirational leaders and visit world renowned institutions. Following your time in the UK you will have worldwide connections, a policy action plan for change and the skills, knowledge and networks needed to be an influential leader in your country and beyond.   Continue reading

Jobs & Trainings in Washington DC

unnamedffThe D.C. Department of Employment Services can help you receive training and prepare for your dream job!

Visit the American Job Center Headquarters NE, Washington, DC 20019 on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at 9:30 am in the Community Room to learn about American Job Center services and register for FREE industry recognized occupational skills training.

Prior to attending the event, please visit www.DCNetworks.org to create your profile and upload your resume.

DOES can assist you with training in the following industries:

  • Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
  • Project Management
  • Information Technology
  • Commercial Driver’s License
  • Healthcare
  • Administrative Services
  • Paralegal
  • Welding
  • Transportation
  • Hotel & Hospitality
  • Construction Trades
  • Automotive Technician

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African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.

succesLots of the news from sub-Saharan Africa is about war, famine, poverty or political upheaval. So it’s understandable if many Americans think most Africans who immigrate to the United States are poorly educated and desperate.

That’s the impression that President Trump left with his comments to members of Congress opposing admission of immigrants from “shithole countries” in Africa and elsewhere.

But research tells another story.

While many are refugees, large numbers are beneficiaries of the “diversity visa program” aimed at boosting immigration from underrepresented nations. And on average, African immigrants are better educated that people born in the U.S. or the immigrant population as a whole.

“It’s a population that’s very diverse in its educational, economic and English proficiency profile,” said Jeanne Batalova, a senior policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute think tank in Washington and coauthor of a report last year on sub-Saharan African immigrants in the U.S. “People came for a variety of reasons and at various times.”

Overall, their numbers are small compared with other immigrant groups but have risen significantly in recent years. The U.S. immigrant population from sub-Saharan Africa (49 countries with a total population of more than 1.1 billion) grew from 723,000 to more than 1.7 million between 2010 and 2015, according to a new report by New American Economy, a Washington-based research and advocacy group. Still, they make up just half a percent of the U.S. population.

Drawing from U.S. surveys and Census Bureau data, the report found that the majority come from five countries: Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia and South Africa.

The Pew Research Center reported that African immigrants are most likely to settle in the South or Northeast, and that the largest numbers — at least 100,000 — are found in Texas, New York, California, Maryland, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Virginia. Many African refugees have also relocated to or have been resettled in states such as Minnesota and South Dakota.

The Refugee Act of 1980 made it easier for people fleeing war zones to resettle in the U.S., and today there are tens of thousand of refugees from Somalia, Sudan and Congo. About 22% of African immigrants are refugees, according to Andrew Lim, associate director of research at New American Economy.

At the same time, the diversity visa program — also known as the visa lottery — has opened the door to immigrants from more peaceful places. Of the sub-Saharan immigrants who have become legal permanent residents, 17% came through the program, compared with 5% of the total U.S. immigrant population, according to Batalova.

Applicants to the program must have completed the equivalent of a U.S. high school education or have at least two years of recent experience in any number of occupations, including accountant, computer support specialist, orthodontist and dancer.

As a result, the influx includes many immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa who are highly skilled professionals.

Batalova’s research found that of the 1.4 million who are 25 and older, 41% have a bachelor’s degree, compared with 30% of all immigrants and 32% of the U.S.-born population. Of the 19,000 U.S. immigrants from Norway — a country Trump reportedly told lawmakers is a good source of immigrants — 38% have college educations.

The New American Economy study found that 1 in 3 of these undergraduate degrees were focused on science, technology, engineering and math — “training heavily in demand by today’s employers.”

That report also found that African immigrants were significantly more likely to have graduate degrees. A total of 16% had a master’s degree, medical degree, law degree or a doctorate, compared with 11% of the U.S.-born population, Lim said.  Learn more

USA – College Costs. Many people believe that college costs more than it actually does

DM1jhw2XcAA_vN3Average net tuition at community colleges is less than zero — seriously — once financial aid is taken into account. Average in-state tuition at public colleges will be just $4,140 this year. And many elite private colleges cover much of their sky-high list-price tuition through scholarships.

Yet many middle-class and low-income families believe tuition will cost them tens of thousands of dollars a year. This misperception has a serious downside. It keeps some people from attending college, even though the financial (and nonfinancial) benefits of a degree are enormous.

Fortunately, a growing number of colleges are starting to take tuition misperceptions seriously. Sixteen top colleges are announcing this morning that they’re joining an effort called MyIntuition — an online calculator that lets people answer just a few questions, anonymously, and receive an estimate of how much attending each college would cost.

The 16 include Boston College, Brown, Davidson, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, St. Olaf and Yale. They’ve joined 15 others that already participate. The calculator was created by Phillip Levine, an economist at Wellesley College.

The Boston Globe named the calculator one of 2017’s “bold new ideas,” and administrators at Dartmouth say it has helped them attract more low-income applicants. I’ve written about it before, with more details here and here.

The calculator is remarkably easy to use, far easier than other financial-aid tools. If you have a child nearing college age, or you’re simply curious, give it a whirl — with real or hypothetical information. SOURCE: NYT

Les Nuits africaines de Washington D.C.

Des soirées africaines voient le jour dans les grandes villes américaines grâce à de jeunes promoteurs culturels qui, ces dernières années, ne reculent devant rien pour apporter des moments de divertissements à la diaspora africaine. VOA Afrique nous plonge dans l’univers décalé des nuits africaines de Washington D.C.

En plein cœur de la capitale américaine, au Power night-club, des voitures de luxe, des manteaux de fourrure et des tenues de soirée sont de mise. Le concept est simple, rassembler la jeunesse dorée d’origine africaine dans un club branché de la place. Aux commandes, les meilleurs DJs de musique africaine. SUITE

When Students Help Students: A college application guide created by students for students helps level the playing field

Applying for college is about as tough as slaying a thousand-headed Hydra. College hopefuls negotiate everything from FAFSA Forms to college visits before taking the postsecondary leap. Two Harvard College seniors, recent survivors of the process, hope to make things less stressful through the fair Opportunity Project, a college guide replete with insider advice on everything from essays to interviews and financial aid. Download a copy of the Guide here: Fairopportunityproject.com

These 5 languages will help you stand out the most

nationsFor most people looking to study another language, English remains the first choice – and for good reason. As the language of diplomacy, business and popular culture, currently spoken by an estimated 1.5 billion speakers (and with another billion in class right now), English really is the “world’s language”. But besides English, what other languages can help you get ahead?

Here, are five languages to learn to stand out, in no particular order:

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These 3 sisters — Americans born in Cameroon. As Trump Rages About Immigrants, They Go to the Ivy League

25mzezWeb-master768Ten years ago, a family arrived in the Bronx from Yaoundé, Cameroon, not speaking a word of English. This Christmas, they are celebrating a feat that would be impressive for any family: Three of the family’s five daughters have been accepted to Ivy League universities.

In a year in which our nativist president would have you believe that immigrants are, at best, a job-stealing drain and at worst, criminals, rapists and people with AIDS, these three remarkable sisters are worth paying attention to. Not just because they are inspiring — they are — but because they are far better ambassadors for this country and exponents of its ideals than the 45th president.

“We brought the girls to this country because there are better opportunities here,” says Flore Kengmeni, their mother, who works as a nurse. “I don’t know of another country where you can try hard, work hard and get somewhere. Where you are given the opportunity to fulfill your potential.”

“This country is built on immigrants,” Francois de Paul Silatchom, their father, a professor of economics at SUNY, starts to say, before his middle daughter, Ella, a sophomore at Yale, interjects: “Our experience as a family is what America is.”

That experience is marked by hard work, optimism, resilience and a persistent sense of gratitude even to have the opportunity.

All three girls admit it wasn’t easy. They recall sitting in class during their first year in America and not understanding what their teachers and classmates were saying. They remember being made fun of, but not really knowing why.

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These Young African Visionaries Made Forbes’ 30 Under 30 List

Forbes Magazine just released its 30 Under 30 List 2018, and some of our favorite young African talents made the cut.

The list, which the magazine calls an “annual encyclopedia of creative disruption,” features young folks making waves in a number of industries, including tech, commerce, media, art, food, policy, entertainment and more. Continue reading