PEER Cycle 6 Call for Pre-Proposals Announced

USAdministered by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS), PEER is a competitive grants program that invites scientists in developing countries, partnered with USG-supported collaborators, to apply for funds to support research and capacity-building activities on topics with strong potential development impacts. This innovative program is designed to leverage the investments other USG-supported agencies have made in scientific research and training while supporting the initiatives of developing country scientists.

PEER Cycle 6 Call for Pre-Proposals Announced

PEER is currently accepting pre-proposals for Cycle 6 of the program. This year’s focus areas include two topics open to applicants from a varied set of countries (Environmental Contaminants and Digital Development for Feed the Future), as well as four topics open only to applicants from a specific country or region. As always, applicants must have a partner with active funding support from one of the U.S. Government-supported agencies participating in PEER. The deadline for submission of pre-proposals for this cycle is January 13, 2017, and those whose applications are selected to advance to the full-proposal stage of the review process will be notified around February 28, 2017. Interested applicants are encouraged to review this year’s focus areas, eligibility requirements, and application instructions through the “For Applicants” tab at the top of this page or through the links in the boxes below. Learn more…

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