La Banque Mondiale recrute. Notre sélection de jobs pour vous

Postulez sur le site de la Banque Mondiale avant le 9 mars pour ces positions basées à Washigton DC.IMG_3226-1
Africa Regional Head
The World Bank Group (WBG or the Group) is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for development solutions. The WBG consists of five specialized institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International Development Association (IDA), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).
The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), as a part of the World Bank Group, enhances the flow of capital and technology to developing countries by providing credit enhancement and investment insurance against non-commercial risks in developing countries.
MIGA has a strategic focus to support investments in IDA countries and into Fragile and Conflict Affected Situations (FCS). MIGA’s Regional Head for Africa (Africa Head) will be responsible for originating new business opportunities for MIGA in Africa with a specific focus on IDA and FCS, as well as for supporting the implementation of the Conflict Affected and Fragile States Facility (“CAFEF”) to support investments in FCS. Suite

Senior Financial Officer
Are you a passionate advocate for education? Do you want to make a difference in the lives of children in the world’s poorest countries? The Global Partnership for Education would like to hear from you.
Established in 2002, the Global Partnership for Education (“Global Partnership” or GPE), formerly the Education for All Fast Track Initiative, has grown and evolved to become the premier partnership focused on basic education in developing countries. Its members include 61 of the world’s poorest developing countries, over 30 bilateral, regional, and multilateral agencies; development banks; the private sector; civil society groups; and teachers organizations. The Board of Directors is the Global Partnership’s governing body, sets its policies and strategies and approves all funding.
The mission of the Global Partnership is to galvanize and coordinate a global effort to deliver a good quality education to all children, prioritizing the poorest and most vulnerable. To that end, the Global Partnership helps its member countries to develop and implement sound education sector plans and has allocated approximately $4.1 billion in education grants to date. The Global Partnership mobilizes international financing and promotes/ efficient use of international and national resources to support developing countries’ education goals and sector strategies.
With about 78 staff, the GPE Secretariat is hosted by the World Bank in Washington, D.C. As a consequence of the partnership taking a greater leadership role in achieving international development goals in education, the Secretariat is developing its capacity to support the Global Partnership’s work. Suite

Sr Board Operations Officer
Are you a passionate advocate for education?  Do you want to make a difference in the lives of children in the world’s poorest countries?  The Global Partnership for Education would like to hear from you. Suite

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